I just came in from a delightful couple of hours with seven of Janu Smith’s Grade 4/5 class from South Broadview.
Even though most of them had never been on cross-country skis, they were terrifically enthusiastic. Jim and I immediately took them up Metford Road to Chalet Loop. We have been doing this School Ski gig for many years, and know the highlight is downhill for these kids – irrespective of ability.
Nice hills on Chalet Loop, starting gentle enough to give confidence, then some longer, steeper ones. Boy, do they ever learn fast, sticking in the tracks, managing the corners, coming to a stop without taking out a classmate.
Aching for hillier hills, we took them up a steep one adjacent to Marathon Loop, learning to herringbone on the way up. Most of the kids made it down with finesse. Some found the speed tricky, and thankfully managed to stop before plowing into a snowbank.
So much laughter, so much fun!
We’ll be back at it again for a Monday session in February. Super to have this ski program for the schools. Thanks to the Larch Hills Nordic Society volunteers who take the kids out on the trails to introduce them to this lifetime sport. We’ll be seeing alot of them at the Pirate Loppet on January 31st.
The highlight of last week’s skiing was joining the Thursday Geezers for their annual Bogs Ski.
There are four bogs in the vicinity of Cec’s Cabin, the 100-metre bog, the 150-m bog, the 200-m bog and the 400-m bog. We accessed the latter three via Log Roller off Larch Hills Road. Skiing in the backcountry is so different to track skiing: on single, non-track set trails through bush and out in the open, in deeper snow requiring fat basket poles.
Managing to ski through the bush following the diagonal orange markers on trees, we emerged onto the 200-m bog. Gorgeous landscape – trees all around the bog, hills in the distance, vast expanse of flat, deep snow to ski to the other end of the bog. Another bush area conquered and we were out on the 400-m bog. We stopped for lunch in a sheltered area then, single file, took off across the bog. Brilliant to watch the line of 10 skiers making their way across this terrain. So glad to have this beautiful annual outing on the Geezer calendar!
Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet is this weekend. Could be a tad cooler than of late, which would bode well for Bilbo’s and Frodo’s bogs. Looking forward to the excitement and camaraderie on the hill, and at the post-loppet celebration at Song Sparrow Hall. Once again, we will have Steve King as announcer at the event. His experience and extensive knowledge of skiers in the loppet helps make the Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet the banner event that it is!
Think snow.
By Marcia Beckner, Larch Hills Nordic Society