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LETTER: All-candidates forum proves enlightening

I had the misfortune to sit through an election meeting at Blind Bay on April 29.
Letter to the editor

I had the misfortune to sit through an election meeting at Blind Bay on April 29.

There were only three candidates in attendance as the Libertarian Kyle McCormack failed to show.

Kevin Babcock touched well on environmental issues although was poor vocally; Sylvia Lindgren, perhaps the best of the group, spoke clearly on planet change and wildlife for the NDP.

Greg Kyllo, the incumbent, waxed at great length on the wonders of performance by the Liberals which, in fact, was the usual party line with vague reference to policy statistics and highly practiced double talk.

Kyllo’s oration was loud and clear, with much experience in describing the electrical power we will gain with the construction of Site C dam. However, he forgot to mention the tragic loss of 60 miles of rich river land and the complete disregard for the encroachment over First Nation territory all for further power development we may not need for many years to come.

It was recently reported that a large donation of $771,000 dollars to Liberal party funds from Kinder Morgan resulting in approval of the pipeline to Vancouver. The question of corporate donations was on the list for discussion at the meeting but our worthy candidates, including Kyllo, had little to say on this troublesome subject.

The meeting ended with no mention of the incredible ship loads of half-grown raw lumber now being shipped out of Vancouver to Japan and China, and the latest trade threats by Trump on softwood.

The dismal performance by Greg Kyllo may still permit him to regain his seat as MLA. The opposition members were just not strong enough in practical argument to unseat him from his comfortable seat.

Make sure you vote accordingly!

Dave Dyke