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Bunny rescued from Vernon streets ahead of Easter

The rabbitt will purposely not be available for adoption until after the holiday
Rescued from the streets of Vernon, Bunny is recovering from medical care and will be up for adoption after Easter. (Okanagan Humane Society photo)

Found hopping the streets in desperate need of medical care, a homeless bunny won’t be ready in time for the Easter weekend.

A Good Samaritan brought the rabbit (named Bunny) to the Okanagan Humane Society (OHS) after finding it hiding under a truck in Vernon several weeks ago.

“It looked pretty rough, it was thin, but it was very tame,” said Romany Runnells, OHS president.

Bunny had discharge coming from his eye, his nails were overgrown and he had spurs on his teeth requiring dental surgery.

The Central Animal Hospital took care of Bunny’s medical needs, he has been neutered and has settled into a foster home until he is ready to be adopted by his forever family.

The OHS has purposely made sure that is after the holiday, as it does not want Bunny given as an Easter present. “Pets should not be given as gifts,” said Runnells, as owners aren’t prepared and are therefore unable to care properly for the animal.

“There’s a lot to owning a rabbit, do your research before getting one, just like with any animal.”

For example, Bunny’s spurs on his teeth are due to not having the proper diet — in this case Timothy hay that promotes chewing which helps rabbits keep their teeth filed.

Bunny was a pet at some point, as is evident by his curious and friendly nature and the fact he loves to be picked up and pet for long periods of time.

Whether he escaped or was released from his owners, Bunny is one of a few rabbits that come into OHS care throughout the valley each year.

Whether it’s for rabbits, cats, dogs or other animals, foster homes are always needed to help care for animals.

“It is really important in the Vernon area,” said Runnels, following the closure of the SPCA branch.

OHS is a volunteer run, foster based animal rescue, partnering with more than 20 local veterinary hospitals.

The low-cost model ensures that 95 per cent of donor dollars go directly to saving local animals in need.

To foster, donate or adopt, visit

Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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