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District strategic plan sets future priorities

Mayor's report with Sicamous Mayor Darrell Trouton

On Dec. 12, 2012, council adopted the strategic plan for the District of Sicamous. The plan is focused entirely on the betterment of the community as a whole.

Council, chief administrative officer Heidi Frank and I worked closely together, and have identified key goals for 2012-2015.

While council and staff will continue to address the full range of issues that arise in the management of the district, this strategic plan highlights key challenges that council feels must be dealt with, and goals that need to be accomplished. The plan includes 10 strategic goals, which provide the foundation for annual business plan priorities, financial plan and budget decisions:

1. Plan for and fund the maintenance of our community infrastructure;

2. Continue to advocate for improvements to our highway infrastructure;

3. Proceed with improvements to our water treatment system;

4. We value business development, particularly those that create ongoing employment for our residents;

5. Support property development in Sicamous in alignment with our OCP;

6. Support a vibrant tourist environment in Sicamous;

7. Attract families to thrive and grow in Sicamous

8. Be proactive in protecting our  community and natural environment;

9. Continue to make sure that the district is well run;

10. Continue to improve our internal and external communication.

Our mission is to provide exciting opportunities for a dynamic economic base, including diverse housing, culture and recreation, in a safe, cost-effective manner that integrates and protects the natural beauty, health and assets of the district. Our vision is to be a healthy and active community for all ages, encouraging and supporting year-round recreational activities and a diversified economy.

Council establishes priorities to provide direction for the organization as a whole, and they serve to guide the development of action plans and delivery of programs and services. Strategic planning is an ongoing activity that includes monitoring, reporting reflection and renewal.

We are a fairly new council with lots of energy and ideas to move this community forward. We recognize that things take time, and that processes have been put in place in the past that need streamlining and updating.

As we move forward we will base all decisions on our core values which include: dynamic, proactive and responsive leadership, high quality of service; open communications and dialogue with our citizens; managing growth and change while planning for the future; ensuring we do not sacrifice long-term goals for short term gains; working with the citizens encouraging them to enter into partnerships with us for the provision of services within our community and to achieve shared goals; and being stewards for a clean and safe community, helping ensure citizens have a healthy environment to thrive in, now and in the future

By having a plan, we’ve set the direction to get us from where we are today to where we want to be in the future.

Submitted by Darrell Trouton/District of Sicamous

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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