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Letter: Donald Trump not the problem for U.S.

Re: the problem with Donald Trump.

Re: the problem with Donald Trump.

First compare alternatives: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved transferring 20 per cent control of U.S. Uranium deposits to a Russian company for a $145 million donation to the Clinton foundation vs. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, executed for espionage for sharing atomic information with the Soviet Union, June 19, 1953.

USA - Rosenbergs executed, 1953.

USA - Clinton for president - 2016.

Donald Trump elected president vs. Clinton, possibly avoided nuclear annihilation. Trump squashed the TPP, pulled out of the G7, negates most media propaganda against Trump.

Canadians no longer believe the 117 year prolonged media myth that ‘Corporation Canada’s’ politicians sworn to serve the Queen of England have legal ruling authority over ‘We the People of our Lands.’

In 1901 Queen Victoria died ending rule by monarchy. In 1931 the Westminster Act legalized Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa to confederate. Politicians fearing to lose power failed to hold a constitutional convention, the requirement to vote to legally confederate.

Australia, New Zealand, Africa did. Canada did not. Since 1931 media perpetuated their myth that ‘Corporation Canada’ is the governing authority over a confederation. Ten provinces were never confederated, are yet today legal sovereign nations.

No marriage = no divorce! Federal, provincial, municipal corporate politicians, defacto government, sworn to serve the monarchy, not the people, stand to be tried for treason, fraud, and extorting 50 per cent of all people’s income through illegal taxation, and trillions in fraudulent usury paid to central bankers.

Let us inform those sworn to serve the Queen and not the people of these great lands the fate of the Rosenbergs. When people fear government there is tyranny. When government fears the people there is liberty. Donald Trump is not the problem!

B. Marton