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Arts Guild to promote local artisans

A new art group has formed in Sicamous and it ties together a lot of smaller groups of artisans. It is called the Arts Guild and it consists of people with an array of art skills such as glasswork, ceramics, woodworking, carving, painting, jewelry design etc.

A new art group has formed in Sicamous and it ties together a lot of smaller groups of artisans. It is called the Arts Guild and it consists of people with an array of art skills such as glasswork, ceramics, woodworking, carving, painting, jewelry design etc.

The guild hopes to promote the showing and selling of various art products.

The guild will be a group member of the Eagle Valley Arts Council, and will hold monthly meetings – the night is still to be determined.

The group kicks off with items for sale on Saturday, Oct. 8 at the Saturday Market at the Seniors Centre, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

If you are interested in joining this group, or book a table, please contact Terry Sinton at 250-836-4613.



New play

Another member group of the Eagle Valley Arts Council is getting busy.

The Sicamous Amateur Drama Club has started rehearsals for a Christmas comedy play with no official title yet, to be performed on Dec. 8, 9, 10 and 11. The play is rumoured to be about an acting troupe’s shenanigans.



From Russia…

Many of you have asked about my recent trip across Russia, Mongolia and China.

I am putting together a slide/video show and hope to have a travel log with a comedic look at my adventures. Then I will put on a show at the Red Barn Arts Centre, with all benefits to go to the Eagle Valley Arts Council.  More information to follow.

First I have to get over my fifteen-hour jet lag. I feel like a baby that has its days and nights turned around. So I hope I made sense writing this month’s column.




For art information please contact Carla Krens at 250-836-4705 or