Getting active is a great way to enjoy the early summer season and reconnect with others. To encourage Canadians to get moving with their communities, ParticipACTION – a non-profit charitable organization committed to supporting Canadians in getting active – is challenging every community in British Columbia to participate in the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge.
The Community Better Challenge is an annual physical activity initiative designed to create social connections by getting communities active together.
Increased physical activity offers many benefits, including improved mood, increased energy and reduced feelings of stress and worry, but you don’t need to run a marathon to experience these benefits. Just 15 minutes a day of physical activity can make a difference for your physical and mental health, and every minute tracked on the free ParticipACTION app counts toward your community’s total for the challenge.
“It’s important that we get active not only for our physical health, but also our mental health,” says ParticipACTION CEO, Elio Antunes. “The Community Better Challenge offers Canadians a great way to reconnect with their local community while also providing a chance to win the grand prize that will support physical activity and sport initiatives in the community.”
In Kamloops, B.C., the Kamloops Immigrant Services (KIS) Community Connections Program exemplifies the positive impact of physical activity, especially how it can bring us together. They’re a Saputo Signature Grant recipient, receiving additional funding from Saputo – a proud sponsor of the Community Better Challenge – to expand and strengthen its program.

KIS helps newcomers grow into full and equal members of Canadian society, supporting their integration into Canadian life and hosting weekly activities to foster social connection in the community. The funding will allow KIS to offer additional programming to help participants get active through inclusive community-based activities like yoga in the park, hikes featuring cultural activities, family soccer night and a canoe course.
The Community Better Challenge runs June 1 to 30, and all communities and individuals are welcome to participate for a chance to earn the title of Canada’s Most Active Community and win $100,000 to support local physical activity initiatives.
In addition to the national grand prize winner, there will also be prizes for the most active community in each province and territory. Plus, you can also win prizes for tracking your activity throughout June on the free ParticipACTION app or joining local Community Better Challenge activities!
The ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is proudly supported by the Government of Canada and Saputo. Learn more about the challenge on ParticipACTION’s website.