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Council supports plaque with lake level legend at Salmon Arm wharf

Staff directed to work with plaque proponent
Markers located next to the Marine Park wharf in Salmon Arm show Shuswap Lake level highs going back to 2012. (Lachlan Labere-Salmon Arm Observer)

A resident’s request had city council pondering placement of a plaque explaining Shuswap Lake level markers at Salmon Arm’s wharf.

The request was included among written correspondence received by council at its Sept. 11 meeting. Its author, who said they preferred no mention of their involvement, though noted “many local folks will know anyway,” proposed a plaque measuring approximately 18 inches by 12 inches be placed near the start of the Marine Park wharf, on the west side near the small structure. On the plaque would be an explanation of the nearby lake level measurements taken over the past seven years, how they were recorded and of the annual rise and fall of the lake. The author also suggested the plaque could include names and heights of local mountains – Bastion, Ida, Tappen, Mara, Fly Hills and Eagle Pass – most of which are visible from the wharf.

Mayor Alan Harrison noted the author was the one who placed the lake level measurement signs, “which you’ve all seen, I’m sure, and they’re very popular with the people who walk by.” He suggested staff work with the author to see if there’s a way to make the plaque happen, adding the author is willing to procure the plaque, but wants the city’s permission to place it.

“My motion would be to have him work with staff to come up with a plan,” said Harrison.

Council voted in support of the motion, though Coun. Kevin Flynn was not necessarily sold on the plaque’s inclusion of local mountains. He referred to the existing Sxwesméllp Landmark, which was unveiled last year, adding “I don’t want to detract from that.”

Coun. Louise Wallace Richmond also supported the motion, but noted there’s “a lot of informational signage going on down there,” and advised being “mindful of what else is there.”

Coun. Sylvia Lindgren said in addition the plaque, she’d like to see “some sort of formalized markers in the lake that are a little bit more permanent and a little bit more cohesive…

“I think the water levels are really an important piece of climate action right now and making people aware is a really big piece of that. If we could formalize that in any way that would be great.”

Read more: ‘Spirit of reconciliation’: Landmark at Salmon Arm wharf creates awareness of Secwépemc presence

Read more: Low lake level prompts public warnings for Shuswap boat launches
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Lachlan Labere

About the Author: Lachlan Labere

Editor, Salmon Arm Observer
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