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Haven Meals program appreciated

A profound thank you goes to all the people who attended the March 7 benefit lunch at Eagle Valley Haven.

A profound thank you goes to all the people who attended the March 7 benefit lunch at Eagle Valley Haven.

The proceeds from this went toward assisting Irene Mahringer, who lost nearly everything in a house fire. She is a valued volunteer at the meals program, and it was most rewarding to see the full house of support in her time of need.

I encourage the continued support of the Haven Meals – not just in a time of crisis but because it is of great importance, especially for those who live alone.

The social atmosphere is a good boost for morale. The menus are planned in keeping with nutritional needs of older citizens in mind  and in line with Canada Health guidelines.

Don’t forget, this program was started some 23 years ago by a group of volunteers who saw a need for older citizens to have a congenial meeting place.

Alli M. Graham